A desire

For years both of us carried a desire to create
a space where people could come together
to express, connect with others and heal.
Since we met in this life, we connected our hearts

and shared our beliefs. We then started merging
our qualities and methods
to offer this
to whom needs it at the moment.

Through hard times

and good times, both of us have learned that
to reach high we need
to dive deep.
To make this easier we are practicing to follow

the flow of life,
to embrace our 'dark side' when it shows up.

We accept it and work with it
in order to enable the light to come in.

That is what we call the art-of-light, as a way
of living a wholesome life.
The same way we 'work' with ourselves, we work with our clients.

We too

Before we got to know each other,
both of us had 'recovered' from deep experiences of being lost in life.
Even though we had loving parents and family, from early childhood on we had strong experiences of being sick (respectively: diagnosed adhd & epilepsy; and irritable bowel syndrome, depressive states ), feeling victim, worthless and unwanted...
Not seeing a way out in a world that looks like
a difficult place or an 'unnatural system'
at best. What we have in common is that
we transformed that and we continue
to do that. Looking back, we experience over
and over that the diseases on the physical level, match with our psychology, relationships and 'accidents' that seem to overcome us in live.
It is not rather coincidence, it is 'co-inciding' till
we can understand it and change it.

We still feel sick, hurt sometimes, but nowadays
it is so much shorter and lighter.

We are both passionate about sharing the healing wisdom, skills and energy with others.

Today we are open for people to join us with their experiences of darkness
& light to heal and enjoy this path as much as we can.

Olga Zięba
I am an artist, artherapist,
teacher of intuitive painting Vedic Art,
teacher of yin yoga,
and Theta Healing therapist.
Currently I am studying somatics in dance and therapy.

I dance while I paint, and paint while I am dancing.
I create intuitive mandalas, paintings with a personal intention, and I am leading personal development workshops in art-therapy for children, teenagers and adults.
I lead classes to deepen body awareness: Yin Yoga with elements of nature and somatic work.

I also practice and teach energetic healing methods in co-creation with Sjoerd.

Here you find more about my creations:
Fala Życia - Przestrzeń dla Ciała i Ducha

Sjoerd Cratsborn
I see life as an adventure, especially
the inner journey.

I use my body as an antenna to communicate
with the subconscious and higher conscious 'sides'
of people. To communicate and integrate,
I am using Chinese Meridians, Chakras, Human needs, Limiting beliefs, Past lives, Homeopathy and other methods.

My purpose is to assist others in their transformation in these times of great change.

I enjoy researching, (re)creating and sharing about the methods I use, and I also teach and work in

co-creation with Olga.


- with yourself,
your bright side & dark side,
nature, earth, your roots,
- your relation with
others and the world


- your inner and outer space,
- your own way of expression
& to release emotions,

Create change in
- thoughts, views,
- your life story,
-your patterns,
- your actions, activities,
-your body,
- the presentation of yourself in the world,

Create your daily life
- food,
- space, rooms, house,
- projects, co-operations, work,
- relationships, friendships, and partnerships


- your body & soul
- experiencing wholeness,
- relationship to others, life, death and beyond

Our 'work' is to accompany You
in your journey
of Transformation & Healing...